What's A Paradoxine??

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B's Monster Rancher 2 : One Thread

Sorry for asking so many questions but this board helped me alot so i just wanted to help it get started again. Anyway what is a paradoxine? Can you buy them at the store? What year does it have to be to be able to buy them?

-- Crappy Trainer (Bondon51@hotmail.com), April 14, 2000


Paradoxine is only found on the Kawrea Volcano Expedition. You can't buy it at the store at any time. It is the most powerful drug there is in the game. There have been many experiments with it, I don't know if they have all been posted or not, but others know more about it than I do. I know it helps build skill early in life with a certain amount of lifespan loss. Someone else can tell you more.

-- Miss Carrie (musicality1@earthlink.net), April 14, 2000.

It's been reposted.It's in the archives .Click on Items,then click on Drug Report;Paradoxine.

And thank Farmer Jimbo for saving and reposting.

-- Argos (stanrock@uwm.edu), April 14, 2000.

Ummm....you are PARTIALLY correct, Miss Carrie. It IS found in a mountain....but NOT on the Kawrea Adventure. "Paradoxine" is found as a random item in the TORLES Mountains Adventure. It is in the large cave in the center of the map (the one that looks like this ?


-- Eagle Fierce (Eagle_Fierce@Hotmail.com), April 14, 2000.

That's right Eagle. There are six items in the cave that contains paradoxine. If you're monster has high int and/or luck, you can find more than one on the same trip. My record is two.

-- Farmer Jimbo (honcho7@excite.com), April 14, 2000.

ooops, my mistake! :)

-- Miss Carrie (musicality1@earthlink.net), April 14, 2000.

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