Here's a Blonde Joke for You Guys : LUSENET : Riddles, Polls, and Contests : One Thread

Top 10 Blond Inventions

1) The water-proof towel

2) Solar powered flashlight

3) Submarine screen door

4) A book on how to read

5) Inflatable dart board

6) A dictionary index

7) Ejector seat in a helicopter

8) Powdered water

9)Pedal-powered wheel chair

10) Water-proof tea bag

-- candyman (, April 13, 2000


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... that was funny....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...pedal-powered wheelchair...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

-- Magma Bird (, April 14, 2000.

okay, okay twist my arm - here's a lame blonde joke i heard yesterday

blonde is cooking supper for hubby. doesn't do too well - in fact, fire breaks out and she has to call 911. "help me -my house is on fire" she cries. "which house is it?" the operator asks. "i said - my house!" she replies impatiently. now the operator is getting upset, and barks "well then how do we get there?" now this is too much, and the blonde fires back sarcastically, "well, duh! - big red truck!"

-- torey luvullo (, April 14, 2000.

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