Beaclon Training : LUSENET : B's Monster Rancher 2 : One Thread

I just unlocked the Beaclon, and I was wondering, what is the best stat to train them in? Also, is there a monster type that trains well in life and endurance?

-- Mike Nichols (, March 14, 2000 Answers Beaclons do REALLY well in Strength and Life. Train them in Pull, they get a +1 in that drill. As for your other question, monsters that excel in both life and defense are Plants and Colorpandoras, and Mews to a lesser extent.

-- JSVB12 (, March 14, 2000.


The two that comes to my head the quickest are Ecologuardian (Golem/Plant) and Zilla. Mock is a close third! Still, the Beaclon that you haev should to well in defense and life, as well. Train in life, intelligence, and a little skill and power while in the Worm stage of its life (assuming that you evloved it from a Worm), then work defense, power, and push skill once it evolves to Beaclon. Do this, and your only TRUE weakness will be speed! Again, with the defense and life thatyou have, you can afford to take a few hits. : )

-- Eagle Fierce (, March 14, 2000.

-- Miss Carrie (, April 13, 2000

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