Anyone posted an SVCD mpeg file ? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
HiI'd appreciate anyone who has a (short) SVCD mpeg file (480x480 MPEG-2) if they could post it on the net. I've tried making one but had no success. I want to check burning process, and my DVD player.
Tks Guy
-- Guy Nicholson (, April 11, 2000
I send you one, I can produce some but I am looking for a plug-in or player to be able to read them... I am also interested in your burning experience as I am trying to transfert all my DV movies into SVCD or DVD format (CD-R burning).I send you the file at
-- JF Lauri (, April 21, 2001.
Go to
-- ront (, March 03, 2003.