CDI crashes while playing selfmade MPEG/VCD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I'm using an old Philips CDI-220 and it sometimes crashes when I play a selfmade VCD. I'm using Nero for burning the VCD. Is there something I can do to prevent this or should I just learn to live with it? :)

-- Jurrien (, April 10, 2000


Same thing happens with my CDI-200!

I did create good VCD's with nero 5.013 and Panasonic Mpeg-1 Encoder 2.3! After thar I upgraded both products ans then the crashes started! I Think that a mad dll is the responsable for that... I'll format my PC and make a clean start.

DO NOT USE EZ-CD Creator, CD Motion with the CD-I! It won't work!

I believe it isn't a CD-R physical problem... I did copy 2 Philips VCD's with Nero and the CD-I worked well... It's something related with mpeg's bitrare or... Nero's authoring...

I'm working on that...

Good luck!

-- Jose Oliveira (, November 02, 2000.

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