Talking to : LUSENET : I Wasn't Built to Get Up at this Time : One Thread |
Do you talk to yourself in any way shape or form?
-- Tim (, April 07, 2000
You know I have to use your board if you have it, and then you'll take it off because I'm abusing it.As for your question... I talk to myself all the time. I actually have entire conversations. I think it's my way of clearing out the thoughts in my head and getting myself organized. Sometimes there are pretend people in these conversations, that I can imagine I'm talking to. Now, I dont have multiple personalities, but often these talking sessions happen before something of like nature. Sort of a practice before the big event, like a speech I might have to give.
Other times, I'm just talking to myself, to clear the thoughts, and usually in my car on the way home or on my way somewhere. I think alot of people do it, but no one wants to see you doing it.
"Are you talking to yourself?????" like it's a sin or something. Oh, well, I talk to myself... somebody has to talk to me. Just kidding. Now fighting with yourself is another story, that's just plain crazy.
Greg @ Commixion
-- Greg (, April 07, 2000.
I do speak to myself. A lot, in fact. They're basically conversations with the mirror. Basically just letting off steam, making myself crack up, or acting silly. I have more conversations in my head. I have random people, sometimes people I know, sometimes people I don't know, talking to me. I'd never have those conversations with those people. They're just not the type to come from me, but still, they occur daily. I daydream way too much and most of my daydreams are stranger than my regular dreams. Which says plenty.The redesign is loverly. And put the bio with the picture up!
-- Krysten (, April 07, 2000.
I have discussions in my head with people. I stage situations in my head of confrontations I could have with people but would never actually have. And I go through the whole resultant conversation with them as if they were actually there. But they never happen.I do talk to myself, as well (to answer the question). I reason with myself. I comment on my actions or personality. Or physical appearance, or laugh. Something like that. Sometimes it's complimentary, sometimes it's not. I also write stories as if I was someone watching myself. I'm intrigued by myself, I guess.
-- Sarah Joy (, April 07, 2000.
Of course I do and I get a lot of grief for it, too. I don't mean to start, but I just find myself in a conversation with THAT VOICE and then I have to finish it, I really do. My mother is about the only person who can tell when Im actually talking to someone or just talking to myself ... it really does become quite a burden at times when people are continuously asking, "Where you talking to mee?"
-- Denise Wiseman (, April 07, 2000.
yes, of course!! just the other day I knocked over my makeup thingie in the bathroom and I said, "oh great, look at what I've done now. I'm such a klutzy klutzy ass." and then I start cursing and walking back and forth. I then tell myself I'm being stupid and to just shutup before everyone hears you and gets concerned.I also have elaborate daydreams about future happenings when I know it won't happen. it makes me happy to think it could ya know. I've always done that though...and yes, my daydreams can be a lot more interesting than my dreams, but my dreams are also ecleptic.
ooh and yes, I like the new layout tim!! and I like these boards since I have one myself.
-- Amber (, April 08, 2000.
I know it's damaging to my reputation as a mental case, but I don't talk to myself much, only when I'm driving and totally lost and haven't got my mobile phone, where I yell, "Oh, smith" at myself a lot.I do have these elaborate fantasies of fame and funchieness though. The soul mate thing wherever I go, but more to the point, the interviews. Whenever I'm writing a story, I'll imagine being interviewed about it and come up with all the answers instead of just writing the thing. Whenever I read a biography, I imagine mine being written and wondering who they'd interview and if they'd actually bother to read the vast archive of my journal as research. Whenever I see a rockumentary, I wonder what the story of my band would be (never mind that I don't have one). Under my "everything I do is pants" attitude lies an a total egotist. Or maybe just someone with a very optimistic imagination.
-- Zed (, April 08, 2000.
Yes, nonstop. Not just talking to myself, but planing things out in my head. I'm on my way to meet a friend, I plan the conversation we're going to have. In the end, we never have that conversation, but I still plan it. I remind myself of things quite literally - my thoughts are along the lines of, "now don't forget you've got to meet her at 2pm Tuesday...yes, that's right. mm, must remember to check notes" etc.I think it *is* an only child thing, too.
-- Helen (, April 08, 2000.
hey I like the new design and I like this forum thing also. It is like there may be someone holding the tin can at the other end of the string. Anyway I think talking to oneself is pretty normal. We don't want to be asked a question by someone and have just a blank stare and an "aaahhhh I dunno " as our only response. So we need to rehearse any possible question from anyone we might meet. I have conversations all the time with most anyone I have ever hoped to meet but of course likly will not. But I sure got some great answers. "aaaahhhh I dunno"
-- Daniel (, April 08, 2000.
I talk to myself ALL the time. Out loud. That's embarrassing enough on its own, but every once in a while i'll catch myself doing it in public. My family has gotten used to it, but dad still says stuff like "How did i raise such children?"Most Recent Example I Can Think Of: The other day, while trying to decide which shirt to wear, i honestly said "Wear the blue one. Trust me, you'll thank me later."
-- Miranda (, April 09, 2000.
Yes, I talk to myself ALL the time when I'm alone. I never knew anyone else who did this and questioned whether I was normal. Ive been doing this ever since I can remember. Ive told one person about this and they think I'm crazy! Sometimes I do too. Most times I'm talking to people I may or may not know. I talk in a soft whisper and in a theatrical way as if they are standing next to me!!I too have elaborate daydreams about future happenings. But you know what's freaky?! They sometimes happen in the near future word for word!!! Like I'm creating the situation. Is there a medical term for talking to yourself and is it some sort of mental illness or disorder??
-- dina milic (, February 16, 2002.
I've always talked to myself, not so much in public as when I'm alone. I don't think it's a problem, in fact I think most people do it. Reckon its just another way of your innerself processing thoughts. Someone once told me it's our soul talking us, which is a bit far fetched, but interesting all the same.
-- Stephen (, December 06, 2002.