how do you catagorize? : LUSENET : Squishy : One Thread |
I know this might be stupid, but I just got one of these greenspun boards sometime during the week and I'm not sure how to make catagories..nice neat catagories. please let me know how. I will be forever grateful. and visit my board if you'd like. we're discussing m&ms and other things..heh.
alrighty. tata.
-- Anonymous, April 07, 2000
ooh nevermind. I figured out how to categorize. I'm sooo stupid. I just had to go to my administrations page!!!anyway, I have new topics there now. I would write a new question here, but erm..I can't think of any for right now. I'll come back later on. I do have one about pet peeves on my board though. it seems like a good one so if you wanna respond go ahead.
-- Anonymous, April 12, 2000