Minolta XG-A or FE2

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I am thinking of buying a USED Minolta XG-A in good condition with a minolta 50mm 1.8f, Vivitar 35-70mm 3.5f, and Vivitar 125mm 3.5f for around 120$ OR used Nikon FE2 body only for around 180$, serial no 2244648. I am not a expert with camera body or parts, but when i looked at the FE2 from front side, through the lens mount, i suppose it is mirror ( square shape ) has small lines on it. ( like when you clean a smooth surface with a rough cloth ) . Will that be a problem or can it be replaced. This is the first time i am buying a used camera and my decision to buy the camera will be based on your opinions. Which of the above two cameras will act as a good learing tool ??

-- Anil Rajput (anil.rajput@kotak.com), April 06, 2000


I am selling a used Minolta XG-A in good condition. Let me know if you are still interested.

-- Lili Chua (Lili.Chua@nike.com), August 21, 2001.

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