new contest! : LUSENET : Riddles, Polls, and Contests : One Thread

i'm thinking of a word. can you guess what it is?

-- torey luvullo (, April 05, 2000


Give us a clue,like what it statrs with because theres a millions posibilities.

-- Magma Bird (, April 05, 2000.

Is it your mama?

-- Magma Bird (, April 08, 2000.

-- Tony (, April 05, 2000.

here's two clues:

a] tony's guess is incorrect

b] it begins with a letter.

here's a bonus third clue:

c] it's a word in the english language.

-- torey luvullo (, April 05, 2000.

Ahhh...the sarcasm...

-- Tony (, April 05, 2000.

another excellent guess, tony...but that's not it either.

-- torey luvullo (, April 06, 2000.

is it word?

-- BooBoo (, April 07, 2000.

I know!Its sex!or..orgasm..or just tell me if its a nasty word.Or if not I'll guess another word:Green,okay that was gay..

-- Ismael Bolivar (, April 08, 2000.

you guys are so close! you are so good you don't even need any more clues - i'm sure you'll get it soon!

-- torey luvullo (, April 08, 2000.

this is fun, magma b., but you've GOT to do something about your posts always going to the top. i know the "yo mama" post was today, cuz i got it on my e-mail. if it appeared at the bottom, i coulda done a snappy comeback, you coulda slapped me back a little, and general hijinx and hilarity could have ensued.

do like b; do your e-mail with 2 @'s in the middle.

-- torey luvullo (, April 08, 2000.

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