here's my lame : LUSENET : Riddles, Polls, and Contests : One Thread |
a woman walks into a drug store and confides in the pharmacist that her husband has been having trouble with erections lately. he asks her, well, have you tried viagra? she answers, oh - can you get it over the counter? and the pharmacist answers, well, if i take three of them at once, maybe.
-- torey luvullo (, April 05, 2000
I work for a pharmacy company, you should hear some of their Viagra stories!!
-- Tony (, April 05, 2000.
my pharmacist is the one who told me it. then, of course, i saw it on the internet 3 times in the next few days - that's how jokes get around these days, i guess...
-- torey luvullo (, April 05, 2000.