Welcome to Riddles, Polls, and Contests.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Riddles, Polls, and Contests : One Thread

Welcome to my message board, feel free to take polls, ask riddles, and have contest. Please, I will erase any foul launguage you write. I will however let you use HTML if you don't mess up, I recomend you practice it somewhere else then you can post it. BYE

-- Magma Bird (flashrun@altavista.com), April 02, 2000


-- Magma Bird (flashrun@altavista.com), April 11, 2000.

WTG Magma!! I hope to see this column grow.

-- Tony (amcdaniel@riteaid.com), April 02, 2000.

Well I hope I can contribute enough,I already posted twice.

-- candyman (andy_poke@hotmail.com), April 04, 2000.

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