What are your thoughts on a teachers' workbook component?greenspun.com : LUSENET : yugen : One Thread |
It seems like the best plan might be to create a teacher's workbook adjunct. What do you think?This April, I'm revisioning the book's outline so the basic teaching components are all in one place (the beginning) -- and can be referred to without asking people to hop all around. (For example, the sections on Time and Place are being moved up to the front.)
Some questions currently sizzling in my brainpan:
I'll be compiling a bibliography of teachers' resources, and posting it to this conference. I've seen an interesting one out of England, for eaxmple, xeroxed and stapled.
- What would be the advantages of making the workbook online? (For one thing, it would allow for some kind of discussion, as here.) Are there enough American teachers now with access to the web?
- Would anyone care to point to or contribute any haiku teaching
Credit would be acknowledged as well as some kind of payment where appropriate, of course.
- tips?
- lessons?
- projects?
- etc.
- Does anyone have any interesting battle stories to tell about workbooks, in general?
-- Anonymous, April 01, 2000