how can I get a instr. booklet on Olympus zoom 2000 camera? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I bought a demo camera with no instruction book & I need one. After putting in batteries and film, it won't do anything but has a digital symbol like lighting.

-- m tedrow (, March 23, 2000


The review of the Oly 2000 right here a ImagingResources is as good or better than the manual that comes with the camera and at will at least get you started.

-- C Harding (, March 24, 2000.

You can order a Short Course on Olympus C2000 Zoom Photography at this site. This book is not published by Olympus but I have a copy for my Oly 2020Z and prefer it to the Oly Instruction Manual. I hope this helps.

-- Norm Hendricks (, May 26, 2000.

Go to They have access to all kinds of information and will send you anything you need from parts to instruction manuals. Or call 1-800-221-3000.

-- Rosalyn Wilson (, May 07, 2001.

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