Loyal Experiment of Fools.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MR2 : One Thread

Greetings, any who took the time out of their day to read the findings of my latest experiment.

Yes, that's right, this post actually pertains to the game MR2!!! What a concept! I would have posted this earlier, however I had to wait untill I had a monster at 100% loyalty, and one at 0% loyalty. The 0% was easy enough... the 100% took a little more time.

Once my pure Dragon, Uroboros, reached 100% loyalty, I figured he'd never commit Foolery again. Much to my distress, he commited an act of blatant Foolery in a very important fight! I was at one of the IMA Official Tournaments, S class, and Uroboros suddenly goofed off! I was furious! After the fight, I checked his loyalty, thinking maybe it had gone down. Nope... still at 100%.

Baffled, I continued to fight him, but wrote down what tournaments her competed in, how many he won/lost, and how frequently he commited Foolery. Most of the time, he behaved. Sometimes, he didn't.

The next leap of logic came when I got a new baby Zuum, named Dominatrix. Wondering if the pendulum really does swing both ways, I entered her in a tournament while she was still at 0% Loyalty. Although she fooled off three times, she still listened and pulled off a second place in said tournament! This, from a 2 month old Zuum! Incredible!

Conclusion: Loyalty is at best a gauge of how much Foolery will or will not be committed. However, it isn't perfect.

I also think that the breed of the monster has something to do with it as well. Dragons are known for being capricious and hotheaded, and Uroboros is that if nothing else. Zuums are supposed to be willing and easy to train, and I think Dominatrix was simply proving this fact.

I have yet to determine what breeds are less likely to commit Foolery, but hope to have this information available soon. Look for my follow-up Breed Experiment in the near future.

Thank you, and have a nice day.

-- Justice (DemonCougar@hotmail.com), March 23, 2000


My Jelly (Worm (Worm/Jell) , Leviathan, has not done i Foolish act after 30 Loyalty. He is at 100 Loyalty now, and I fight him I each Battle I can.

-- Wheel Gator (MyersDCM@email.msn.com), March 23, 2000.

interesting, justice. my results are similar at 0-5 - they are much better than they should be if there was a direct relationship. i don't think i have ever had a 100 monster do foolery[i don't remember anyway] but i know that 90-99 always seem to do it at least once - at the worst possible moment!


-- torey luvullo (dst10000@compuserve.com), March 23, 2000.

I have noticed that as well. A high-Loyalty monster who almost never commits foolery will frequently do so when he/she/it is losing and/or running out of time. Needless to say it often pisses off the anguished Trainer...

-- Justice (DemonCougar@hotmail.com), March 24, 2000.

this has happened to me at least five times...

the battle is nearing an end. it's one my monster needs to win. i am losing, but if i can get in one last [bang/roll assault/rolling slash - whatever] i can still win. my guts are nearing the required amount, and i finally get the enemy to get into the correct square. i push the button and....


i will not print what i usually scream at those moments!

-- torey luvullo (dst10000@compuserve.com), March 24, 2000.

the loylaty number is the percentage chance your monster will commit foolery. It's just a composite of how well your monster is responding to your treament of it. If it's below 100, then that means there's something else you could do to make it happier.

Loyalty affects foolery, but 100% loyalty doesn't mean 0% chance of foolery.

-- B Campbell (apparatus@@juno.com), March 28, 2000.

I think that the stats of the monster and the stats of the enemy monster have a say in foolery, not just loyalty. I think that if a monster feals intimidated, it is likely to commit foolery. That would explane why most times that you most need that one hit and its the last few seconds that the monster decideds to play. Also, the condition of the monster before the battle could help determine how often the monster does foolery.

-- (J87ontline@aol.com), April 26, 2000.

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