"Cookie-cutter" training vs. customized training

greenspun.com : LUSENET : work teams : One Thread

We are just starting to implement team concept at our facility with many different work teams in place. Because of natural group dyanmics - some teams are further along the developmental trail than others. We are going to do our first round of training for the entire production area this summer and are trying to decide if it is better to give everyone the same basic ground-floor training or to customize the trainning of each team to better fit where they are at this point in time. Any comments or experience?

-- Laura Wenger (Laura.Wenger@StairMaster.com), March 22, 2000



Yes, I think it is best to get everyone on the same page. You need to have a common language that everyone understands. There needs to be a frame work that your company and your employees are committed to implementing. Once there is a frame work in place then more advanced groups can move ahead with some since of structure.

Larry Chambers The TurnAround Group

-- Larry Chambers (larrync58@hotmail.com), March 22, 2000.

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