Registration : LUSENET : ASPEdit : One Thread

i was looking at purchasing ASPedit online because i have heard amny great things about it, mainly from my friend Dave, but Dave also said one bad thing, he told me that since he upgraded to windows 2000 his regestration information wont save, so it says its regestered while running, but each time he runs it he's gotta re-enter the info... im just wondering in this is true, because i have a win98se and win2k system and ideally id like to get 2 copys of the same asp software for both, i hope this isnt true because frm what he say, this software rules... if anyone can help me out with an answer it'd be much appreciated Graham

-- Graham Rose (, March 21, 2000



I haven't heard of any problems with win2k, should just work fine

-- richard (, March 22, 2000.

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