Need Info about "Bumb-Waiters"... : LUSENET : Elevator Problem Discussion : One Thread

I am lloking for information as to who maufactures "dumb-waiters"... that's the type of small elevator used in residential (mostly) or some commercial applications, for lifting or lowering light weight (0-500lbs. or so) materials. They are widely used in Europe (England, France, etc), and are not for passengers, and usually will go 2-3 floors in height, depending on the building... usually from the kitchen or pantry area to a hallway closet upstairs. Does anyone have any information as to where I can find information, as to suppliers for these type of elevators? I have only found one source... in Africa, and Daytona Elevator in Volusia County, FL (but they don't seem to be intersted in selling to me, nor in letting me know where they get their unit from. Any help will be appreciated. Please reply to Thanks.

-- Bill Garcia (, March 17, 2000


MATOT, Inc. 800-369-1070

-- John Brannon (, March 18, 2000.

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