Casey slapped by Neve : LUSENET : Casey Affleck : One Thread

In Drowning Mona, My love of my life Casey got slapped by Neve Cambell...I hope it didn't hurt him...I downloaded the trailer to the movie on and I have been watching it over and over and he is all throughout it too...and they show him getting slapped (but I have seen the movie 5 times already) and he looked like he was in so much pain!!!

-- Vicki Jensen (, March 16, 2000


I am sure it was a movie slap, at least I hope so. She looks like she could hurt someone. It is just really good acting hopefully. If not, Casey I feel for you man? Get a steak for that

-- Stacey Cassetta (, March 18, 2000.

Yeah It was in the Movie Drowning Mona that he got slapped....but I feel like kissing him all better...tee hee.

-- Vicki Jensen (, March 18, 2000.

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