Doing Time on Maple Drive : LUSENET : William McNamara Bulletin Board : One Thread

I noticed that "Doing Time on Maple Drive" is coming on a few times later this month on the FOX Movie Channel. I would like to record this movie on Video so that I could have a copy but we don't have that channel here. Does anyone have access to it that could record it for me? I will pay you for your trouble if you can help. Thanks a Bunch!

-- tim (, March 15, 2000


I also saw where Maple Drive was playing on FOX Movie Channel this month. It's a great film... one of Billy's best and it's helped a lot of people which is also important. Maple Drive is one of the most requested films that people write and ask us about. As you know it's not on video and while I can't sell you the film, I do make it available to people who ask and are willing to offset the cost of shipping and handling. E-mail me if you are interested.

Thanks for posting on our message board,


-- Greg - WMFC (, March 15, 2000.

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