the backspace key does not work and the delete key does not : LUSENET : ASPEdit : One Thread |
When I click on the backspace key it just goes over the text and does not erase it. Also when I hit the delete key it deletes text three and four characters to the right of my cursor. very strange. It makes the editor totally unusable. Any thoughts ?
-- John Sanchez (, March 11, 2000
Hi John,It sounds like you are using vs. 2.05 try downloading the latest beta at
(aspedit 2000 build 17)
-- richard (, March 17, 2000.
Run the tab to spaces converter first, it looks like its confused by the tabs (im working on a fix)Richard
-- richard (, March 16, 2000.
I'm having the same problem with the "-" key. The underscore works fine though. But like you say it makes the editor unusable. How am I supposed to type cgi-bin? I hope there is a patch for this.
-- John Sample (, March 13, 2000.
Use the minus key on the keypad.
-- phranque (, March 17, 2000.