the backspace key does not work and the delete key does not work : LUSENET : ASPEdit : One Thread

When I click on the backspace key it just goes over the text and does not erase it. Also when I hit the delete key it deletes text three and four characters to the right of my cursor. very strange. It makes the editor totally unusable. Any thoughts ?

-- John Sanchez (, March 11, 2000


re:backspace and -

Hi John,

It sounds like you are using vs. 2.05 try downloading the latest beta at

(aspedit 2000 build 17)


-- richard (, March 17, 2000.

re:the backspace key does not work and the delete key does not work

Run the tab to spaces converter first, it looks like its confused by the tabs (im working on a fix)


-- richard (, March 16, 2000.

I'm having the same problem with the "-" key. The underscore works fine though. But like you say it makes the editor unusable. How am I supposed to type cgi-bin? I hope there is a patch for this.

-- John Sample (, March 13, 2000.

Use the minus key on the keypad.

-- phranque (, March 17, 2000.

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