Omega 4x5 glass carrier: is it anti-newton? : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

i have a chance to get a used mint omega 4x5 glass carrier whose omega catalogue number is 423-359. the owner, writing me via email, does not know whether it is anti-newton glass or not. i don't either: i've tried contacting omega with no luck. he says that the top pane of glass is foggier or more textured than the bottom one. does that guarantee anti-newton glass?

mark woods

-- Mark William Woods (, March 09, 2000


I own the Omega 4X5 glass carrier with "anti-newton" glass and it is as you described. However, I gave up on using it years ago due to the difficulty of keeping so many surfaces dust-free AND newton ring problems. Since most 4X5 films are a thicker base, I found I was better off with the standard 4X5 carrier.

Jim Blecha

-- Jim Blecha (, March 11, 2000.

dear jim blecha,

thank you for your answer. that is food for thought.



-- Mark Woods (, March 11, 2000.

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