microdrive/desktop compatibility

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Dear IR folks, thanks for your helpful site. My question concerns the IBM microdrive: How does one download the microdrive's data into a desk top PC. Many thanks, Lew

-- lew orsoni (lew@poorme.com), March 08, 2000


Stick it in a laptop pcmcia slot then transfer via network. :)

-- benoit (foo@bar.com), March 10, 2000.

Lew, When you buy the micro drive you can get an adapter with it that allows it to fit in the PCMIA slot of a card reader like the microtek pc card reader. The card reader plugs in the parallel port John

-- John Mitchell (Johntmf@aol.com), March 17, 2000.

Use a USB adapter such as Microtech or Apricorn attached to the USB port of your desktop. If you have a PCMCIA adapter, then use that as the others have indicated. I now carry the USB adapter/CD to install in other's machines when I need to xfer files to them.

-- Bill Heybruck (heybruck@us.ibm.com), July 13, 2000.

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