Will a SVCD play on a standard DVD Player?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Thanks for any input

-- Jay (jlink84@yahoo.com), March 07, 2000


As far as I've gathered SVCD is a special format that needs a player that specifically says "compact disc super video" in front otherwise no go. I can see how this is true: I observe that Pioneer has DVD players that have this logo, other models do not. No current Pioneer stand alone DVD set-top can play SVCD; those models that do are DVD players built-in into mini-component music centers only so far.

-- EMartinez (epmartinez@yahoo.com), March 08, 2000.

Well i posted this once before but i made a super vcd. the APEX ad600a player is made to read them. i took the same supervcd(no menus just a movie) and the pioneer 525 played it fine(with a max bitrate of 2500 anything higher will not play right). So i im still not sure idf i made a true super vcd but the Apex player i have confirmed it as such. the pioneer just saw it as a regular vcd but it still played it.

-- Doug (mazinz@aol.com), March 08, 2000.

I tried a true SVCD movie (Highlander Endgame DVD-rip, MPEG-2, 480x5nn) in my Panasonic DVD-350 (I think that is the model) and it plays it fine. Only the pause image gets garbled, but no other problems whatsoever.

-- Douglas Adams (subbo@inetria.com), March 20, 2001.

A new player dose the job very nicely wiht all features preasent and MP3 as well and compatibility for all of the compeating DVD formats of R/W. The Sony player is on sale rite now at Best Buy and other places . The model number is: DVP-NC655P. This device has one ofthe most impressive special feature lists I have seen in any player of its class. One inparticular is something called block noise reduction. The very thing for VCDs. Im impressed and I set these thing up for a living. No I dont work for Sony.

-- Tj (wihtheald@aol.com), December 28, 2002.

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