enlarger lens

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Finally,i got my enlarger (D5) last week end.But,it comes with two unusal lenses,a Rodenstock Rodagon 28mm f4 and a Rodenstock Rodagon WA 120mm f5.6.I will mainly do 4x5 and 6x4.5.I think that i need a 75 or 80mm lens,but what is the 120mm lens for?Thanks.

-- tao wu (twu@math.nwu.edu), March 07, 2000


It is an excellent wide angle enlarging lens for 4x5.

The 28mm is not capable of covering 35mm much less 645.

-- Bob Salomon (bobsalomon@mindspring.com), March 07, 2000.

Thanks Bob for your help.I have one more question.The 120mm lens is mounted in a "printstar adaptor".What is it?I can not find any right size lens board or plate for it?Should I take it off and mount it directly to a plate?

-- tao wu (twu@math.nwu.edu), March 07, 2000.

I never heard of a printstar adapter so I can't help you there.

-- Bob Salomon (bobsalomon@mindspring.com), March 07, 2000.

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