update on my pitiful chickensgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Thank you for all your good advice. It made me remember my first batch of chickens were picking at each other, until I stumbled onto a decent food (called egg-maker around here). Recently in trying to save some money, I've been giving them cracked corn, they haven't been eating much of the egg-maker. Yes, they are picking on each other. I've had a little talk with them to encourage them to get back with the program, tossed some wood ashes and found some green grass for them. I'm hopeful they will start growing some feathers back, and start laying more eggs. Thanks again for all the good advice!
-- Cathey (uptain@if.rmci.net), March 06, 2000
Kathy- If you're still having pecking problems, put down a pan of whole oats for the birds to eat at-will. It's a solution I learned from an experienced poultryman when I first started raising chickens, and it seems to work quite well. Oats is cheap, and a 100 lb. bag goes a long, long way. Good Luck. DAN
-- Dan (dshaske@excel.net), March 18, 2000.