: LUSENET : R.E.M. : One Thread |
I have just brought an acoustic guitar and i was wondering which rem songs are easiest to play and which sites can i find the music for them on? Thanks.
-- Dave Lovett (, March 04, 2000
This website: tablature for pretty much everything.
-- Natalie Hart (, March 05, 2000.
The very first song(by REM) that I learned to play was "One I Love".The intro riff is pretty easy even for a beginner)and it only has 5 chords in it(all of which are basic & easy). Also, to practice picking techniques, I suggest "Everybody Hurts" because the chords are simple & practicing this song will do wonders for your right hand/left hand co-ordination.As for a site ,I don't remember the name, but I'll find it and mail it later.
-- it doesnt matter (, April 02, 2000.
that bubblegum site is the only decent one(only one really) out there that i trust& use for chords
-- it doesnt matter (, April 02, 2000.
the endgame is dead easy and dead effective. i learned the whole darn thing in 40mins
-- andy wallis (, May 16, 2000.
Bang And Blame Is One Of the easiest songs..also check out driveand man on the moon
-- Venkat S Rao (, May 24, 2000.