"banick" continuation of the other banick

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Camp Lutherhaven : One Thread

I think the person is asking for the ingredients of the banick like how much flour, sugar, soda, water, etc. answer them nicely we are children of God and God doesn't want us to be rude. the person asked a ligidiment question. Be nice!

-- chuck (bubbles@yahoo.com), March 02, 2000


Thank you, chuck! I was too scared to say that. Please answer (with the REAL ingrediants) ASAP. I want to make camp food for my family! Then maybe I can give them a little more of my camp experience. Thanks again. God's Grace!

-- Only His (wideawake2003@yahoo.com), March 02, 2000.

Hey! Stay tuned for the measurements for banik! My twin and I are working on it right now, so be ready to make some banik!

-- Sarah Beara (sillysmitty_2000@yahoo.com), March 30, 2000.

I'm sorry to disappoint you, but bannock is Bisquick mix. Shhhh!!! Don't tell anyone else. The secret might get out!

-- me (swimrb@cet.com), April 24, 2000.

Just a note- if bannock was nothing more than Bisquik mix, I wouldn't have spent hours upon hours mixing hundreds of pounds of it this summer! In spite of that, though, I still love the stuff...

-- cammy (nala_cla@yahoo.com), December 17, 2000.

Yeah, what is banick??? I love the stuff but do you make it????

-- Callie (starbright1016@yahoo.com), February 21, 2001.

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