Y2K glitches occur here and in Japan {Thailand}greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
- chemical extracting machines in the Defence
Ministry's laboratory had shown the wrong date
but had otherwise functioned as usual.
- Windows software used by the Justice Ministry
displayed the date as Feb 29, 1990
- software program written by a private firm for
the ministry had malfunctioned
- In Tokyo, weather monitoring devices
malfunctioned, hundreds of ATMs shut down
- a computer system at a nuclear plant seized
up yesterday as the leap year bug affected
computers across Japan
- Glitches hit early yesterday at 43 of the
government weather agency's 1,300 ground
monitoring devices across Japan
- The malfunctions-in which Feb 29 was
mistaken for March 1-occurred in computers
in southwestern Japan that used old software
- About 1,200 of about 25,000 ATMs at post
offices throughout Japan shut down temporarily
- The trouble at Monju plant, 350km west
of Tokyo, was leap year-related but did not
affect operationsBangkok Post
-- spider (spider0@usa.net), March 01, 2000
To the top
-- Topper (Byp@ssing.the.spam), March 01, 2000.