SxSW Roll Call : LUSENET : Squishy : One Thread

Since this has been a hot topic lately, I was wondering about who out there is actually going to be at SxSW. Maybe some people would be interested in meeting/lunch/parties/etc.

I will be there (as I've mentioned plenty of times) and I'm looking forward to Pamie, Stee, and Maura's Roundtable. I think I saw on the forum that Omar is going to be there too....

-- Anonymous, February 29, 2000


I'll be at a lot of the daytime events, including going to that roundtable. I'm gonna be on a panel of "How PR can make or break your company" at 1:30 on Tuesday.

Meeting would be cool, but evenings will probably be bad because Latino Comedy Project is in the middle of rehearsals, so I dont't think I'll get to go to many parties during the week.

-- Anonymous, February 29, 2000

I'm hoping to get down there's only 3 hours away, and a bunch of my friend's bands are playing. I just have to find some people to make the road trip with. And somewhere in Austin to stay for the week. I'd REALLY like to see that panel discussion on online journals....seems interesting. Hope to see you guys there!

-- Anonymous, March 01, 2000

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