Using ECD4.0 To write VCD get Error "System clock error"! : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
When trying to write a vcd from a mpeg I keep getting the error System Clock error! what does this mean and how do I fix?I'm using ECD4.0 and Mpeg that Panasonic MPEG ENCODER V2.30 and Iedit V1.4.5 say is vcd compliant or at least thats what I make of it! I have followed the various help sites and cant seem to find thia error anywhere?
Please help!!!!!
-- Bill Hogg (, February 28, 2000
In I-Edit, make sure that under the preferences (or options - i can't remember which) you set it to video cd mode. i don't know what it does exactly, but ezcd4 will then accept it.
-- Mr. Flibble (, March 06, 2000.