NT Server - Can't open TMP file

greenspun.com : LUSENET : S-Mart Shopping Cart : One Thread

He everybody - I've tried several shopping carts and always hit a similar "not found/can't open" snag. I've set up mystore to "MindUnwind" and I get the following error message:

Can't Open tmp\MindUnwind- Permission denied Content-type: text/html Content-type: text/html Can't Open tmp\MindUnwind- No such file or directory

I've contatacted my Host provider and they claim the tmp directory is set for read/write access.

I have a test shop set up at www.MindUnwind.com/indextest.html. To activate the S-cart, just list any CD type and click "order". Thanks for everyone in advance.... Louis (www.MindUnwind.com)

-- Louis Picone (Louis@MindUnwind.com), February 28, 2000


Dear Louis,

The problem may be that your tmp directory is not located in the proper place.

Under the cfg. find out where your basepath is.. for example

$basepath= "/home/js/smart/";

and make sure your tmp directory is the subdirectory of (as in the example above) "smart"

Also make sure your tmp directory cmod is set to 776

Hope this helps Jo

-- Jo (joselito_s@email.com), March 01, 2000.

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