PolyContrast B&W with Dicroic Color Headgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I am passing on my Durst Laborator 1000 with CLS 450 dicroic color head to a freind who prints B&W, presumably with polycontrast paper. Can the polycontrast filter values be dialed in with with a color head?
-- Anthony Sanna (asanna@sacofoods.com), February 26, 2000
The answer is yes, within limits. Have your friend take a look at http://www.photomall.com/multifil.htm Ilford also provides dichro equivalents for their paper, try http://www.ilford.com/html/us_english/homeng.html
-- David Brown (db1@sisna.com), February 26, 2000.