During WWII, the section of the city called "International Settlement"

greenspun.com : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

I am looking for sources of information and hopefully photos of the area of the city called International Settlement during World War II and after. I understand it was around North Beach, and it was full of clubs and bars and restaurants that soldiers on leave or shipping out would visit. There was a sign that curved across the street at the entrance to International settlement. Thanks for any help! I'm organizing a huge event around the theme "The Homefront" in Sonoma County, so this would be close to home for a lot of people at the event.

-- Julie Campeau (jujucomp@aol.com), February 24, 2000


The "International Settlement" was that block of Pacific between Kearny and Montgomery. There were signs arching over the street at each end of the block proclaiming the name. A big percentage of the businesses on that notorious block were strip clubs where the performers doubled as b-girls. They had names like "Arabian Nights", "Gay 'n Frisky" and "Parisienne". A lot of those joints were still running in the mid 50's when I first stumbled into them. The site was subject of many post card and tour guide photos. The one I am looking at is in "San Francisco Bay Cities, Around the Golden Gate in Pictures" by Josef Muench, Hastings House, 1947. If you would like any information about growing up in the City during WWII, drop me an email.

-- Don Martinich (dutchm@dcn.davis.ca.us), February 26, 2000.

Here are a few interesting pix of the International Settlement

-- Michael Binetti (mbinetti@boldata.com), November 09, 2001.

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