Fire at Japan Nuke Plant : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

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Thursday February 24 2:47 AM ET

Brief Fire at Japan Nuke Plant, No Radiation Leak

TOKYO (Reuters) - A fire broke out at a Japanese nuclear power plant about 186 miles north of Tokyo but was extinguished after about half an hour and no radiation was thought to have leaked, a utility spokesman said on Thursday.


-- Carl Jenkins (, February 24, 2000


more on the fire:

The fire at the Onagawa Number One nuclear plant, owned by Tohoku Electric Power Co Inc, occurred in the basement of a building not directly involved in nuclear power generation, the Tohoku spokesman said.

He said he had no other details about the fire or what had caused it. The 524-megawatt reactor at Onagawa was shut down for maintenance on January 17 and was set to resume operations in early April.

Last September Japan was shocked by an accident at a uranium processing plant in Tokaimura northeast of Tokyo.

That accident, caused by workers putting seven times the proper amount of condensed uranium into a mixing tank, exposed 440 people to radiation, including one plant worker who later died.

In a sign of growing public concern about nuclear safety, the governor of Mie Prefecture in western Japan said on Tuesday that a 37- year-old plan to build a nuclear power plant in the prefecture should go back to the drawing board. In response Chubu Electric Power Co said it would scrap the plan.

-- Carl Jenkins (, February 24, 2000.


"The fire broke out at a building which houses control systems for boilers and turbines for reactors."

-- Rachel Gibson (, February 24, 2000.

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