How many email addresses do you have? : LUSENET : Casey Affleck : One Thread |
O.K I'm curious. I posted a message last year about Casey. It's called "True Talent". Now I read through the other messages on the board and every time "Casey" has responded it's been with a new e-mail address. I'm just wondering how many he has. I think we can all agree that someone else is responding.Pity -Stephanie
-- Stephanie (, February 24, 2000
Duh! you actually think casey would come to this site? if I was him, I sure as hell wouldn't waste my time (nothin personal though)
-- not important (, March 05, 2000.
goddamn, you are gullible.
-- sdd (, March 20, 2000.
You don't actually think he'd come here and reply do you, much less include his actual email addy??
-- - (, January 03, 2001.