help with Joker... : LUSENET : MR2 : One Thread

I need some help with my seems to get stressed out every month despite what I feed it. I work it 3 weeks then rest 1. If it helps,the Joker is still a baby.

-- Billy (, February 23, 2000


Only work it in what it is good at. If it makes funny noises and gestures when you select a drill(if they are signs of anger) don't do that drill. Don't work him when he "seems well" and give him a Mint Leaf when he is well and before you rest him. Feed it milk if it is still really young otherwise give it what it likes. Only do Light Drills and don't punish it too much. When you punish a baby too much it gets stressed out. Keep this up and it should not have any problems with stress.

-- The Man (, February 23, 2000.

the man is right. a pattern of 3 weeks of work and 1 week of rest for any baby will usually result in both "seems tired" and stress. both of these are lifespan destroyers! go easy on your babies!

-- torey luvullo (, February 23, 2000.

Also, keep an eye on your monster's form. Uroboros, my Dragon never gets stressed... when he's normal. But he tends to get fat and once he gets fat, he gets stressed. Alot. Next time your Joker baby gets stressed, go see if it's form is anything other than normal.

-- Justice (, February 24, 2000.

if you train for two weeks and rest instead of three weeks and rest, you'll reduce stress a lot

-- grnbayfann (, July 19, 2000.

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