Second unit of Leningrad nuclear plant shuts : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Shut down over "insignificant breakdown of equipment"..huh...seems to me it must be pretty significant if it can halt the operation of a nuke plant....looks like the Russian PR types are starting to catch on to what their western counterparts do following a radioactive release...Second unit of Leningrad nuclear plant shuts down
Source: ITAR-TASS News Wire Publication date: Feb 18, 2000
ST. PETERSBURG, February 18 (Itar-Tass) - The second unit at the Leningrad nuclear power station automatically shut down at 15.19.
The unit stopped over an insignificant breakdown of equipment. Radiation situation is normal, Itar-Tass learnt from the station's press centre.
Publication date: Feb 18, 2000 ) 2000, NewsReal, Inc.
-- Carl Jenkins (, February 21, 2000