UK nuclear plant safety condemned : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread


"What BNFL admits:

-deliberate falsification of some quality controls -managers and supervisors failed to detect discrepancies -control and supervision arrangements generally inadequate -training minimal or nonexistent for some staff"

"It was discovered that sampling of rods was not carried out and records which showed it had been were copied from previous checks.

Last week the Japanese government demanded a shipment of Mox fuel should be returned to Britain.

BNFL said on Friday it had had a fruitful meeting with the Japanese firm Kansai which had rejected the batch of fuel."

-- Rachel Gibson (, February 18, 2000


Thanks Rachel. Incredible story.

-- Carl Jenkins (, February 18, 2000.

Woe, deja vu. Hmm.

-- Hokie (, February 19, 2000.

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