Michigan: Water bills charge erroneous late fees --computer problem cited

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Water bills charge erroneous late fees

Wednesday, February 16, 2000


An untold number of Saginaw residents needn't sweat over late charges on their water bills, city spokesman William A. Bailey said.

In recent weeks, some water customers - Bailey estimated "somewhere in the hundreds" - received bills assessing them late charges on bills they never received.

The city erred when a computer snafu resulted in bills not going out in the first place.

Officials later sent the statements out and demanded late fees, most averaging about $2.50, Bailey said.

The city has fixed the problem and will automatically delete the late charges, he said.

Residents do not need to call City Hall to correct the matter, he said.



-- Carl Jenkins (Somewherepress@aol.com), February 16, 2000

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