What "Peanuts" character do you most empathize with?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Novenotes : One Thread |
The hot-headed Lucy? The musician Schroeder? (No relation.) The loser Charlie Brown? The tomboy, Peppermint Patty? The master of fantasies and exuberance, Snoopy? Which "Peanuts" character do you most empathize with?--Al
-- Al Schroeder (al.shcroeder@nashville.com), February 13, 2000
I think I see a bit of myself in each of the Peanuts characters. I am a little wild and I giggle a lot like Snoopy. I am a bit of a tomboy, like Peppermint Patty, in the fact that I never need a male to help me along in life (no offense to the men out there!). I have a temper when someone pushes the right buttons just like Lucy. I sing, dance and play the piano like Schroeder. Charlie Brown has good intentions, as do I, and we both sometimes can't get our good intentions across without seeming like a loser. *laugh* All in all, I ADORE Snoopy. He is all over my house.
-- Meg (meghlcl@aol.com), February 13, 2000.
Oh, that'd be Peppermint Patty.I always loved her dad, who called her his rare gem. There are only a few grownups even mentioned in the strip, and he's my favorite.
-- Jan (fossilfreak@geocities.com), February 14, 2000.
one of the main things that kept me coming back to peanuts was schultz's keen observance of humanity and it's quirks and foibles and the delicate touch in which he handled it. i see some of myself in all of them, but i think i empathize with linus. maybe the man is now swapping stories with walt kelly ?
-- doug (ionoi@webtv.net), February 14, 2000.
I hate to admit I'm a crab like Lucy! But I'm pretty bossy and controlling. I'm also a lot like Peppermint Patty, though. But I most WANT to be like Snoopy!
-- Sunshyn (sunshyndream@aol.com), February 14, 2000.
Lucy! Who else?
-- Little Sis (aducroquet@aol.com), February 15, 2000.
Linus, definetely. I love his spiritual side...of course, my security blanket is actually my wife and kids...Not to mention being terrorized by an older sibling is something I can relate to.
-- Bob Beltran (bobbeltran@hotmail.com), February 22, 2000.
Snoopy rules!!
-- Terri (Davelaw@san.rr.com), August 22, 2000.
I would say Peppermint patty~ I not only look like her, i also played softball & was a tomboy when i was younger... But its now my nickname also...
-- Peppermint PATTY AKA Lisa (Blueeyedluci@aol.com), December 23, 2001.
I dont know who I'm like exactly. My fav character is Peppermint Patty because I played her in my school production. I think I'm more like Lucy though because I can be really bossy and mean sometimes. I also think Snoopy is on of the cutest comic dogs!!!! Shroader also kicks butt I feel bad that he had to deal with Lucy for so long! Long live the Peanuts!!!!
-- Samantha (Jazzgrl519@aol.com), February 18, 2002.
Well I would have to say I am sooo Lucy. Me and Lucy are two peas in a pod. We're both bossy, always right, smarter than everyone else, perfect, & we both love Schroeder!!!!!! I guess I should mention that my boyfriend is a lot like Schroeder. He's blonde, he plays the piano, and it took him forever to realize what was at the end of his piano!!
-- Lucy Loves Schroeder (mandyforbis@hotmail.com), March 30, 2002.
SNOOPY! of course...hes the best!
-- caressa matsuoka (snoopysaiyan@aol.com), June 19, 2002.
A group of friend of mine has created a peanuts for christ group, and I am Schroeder. I play the piano, as well as other instruments. I like classical music especially Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, Movement III. Unknowing to me, Lucy had a crush on me for the longest time. I'm currently dating Lucy. However, she doesn't live very close to me so I have quite a drive to see her. Schroeder loves Lucy
-- Brad Boone (bschroeder85@yahoo.com), December 03, 2002.