Online IQ Test (from Flux Redux Weblog) : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

try it! :-)

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2000


Ooh, I feel smart smart smart!!
I got a 142, go me, go me!!!

-- Anonymous, February 13, 2000

150. I do feel bright. Especially after 12:00am. Most seemed common sense. Mensa here I come :) Hmmmm, wonder if I can get that raise now.

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2000

I had just started taking the test when I got a call, so I just went through and answered "true" on all the rest of the questions. My IQ came out to be 121, woo hoo. I'll try taking it for real later.

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2000

I scored 142.

I knew I wasn't as smart as Beth.

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2000

I think everyone scores high in order to encourage you to purchase their profile perhaps....?.... Everyone on my dog list is a genius anyway! LOL!!

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2000

Woof, woof. I am hurt Cathy. :)

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2000

134! I'm a genius!

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2000

Yeah, I'm a little skeptical about the test -- although, in the interest of full disclosure, my score of 144 is in the middle and within two points of the scores I received on two "official" IQ tests (one in grade school, the other in the course of applying for an unusual job after college).

Still, the stats on the test point either to inflation or remarkable self-selection. The mean score in the U.S. is very close to 100, with a standard deviation of 15. Scores above 145 (3 standard deviations above the mean, in stat-speak) are less common than ten in a thousand. Yet, the Web site tells us that one in every 200 takers will exceed the score of 150 -- Either the site is pitching softballs, or the average taker is in the 90th percentile of U.S. IQ scores.

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2000

154. That's about 20 points in variation from the test I took at the Board of Education when I was in school. My roommate scored a 156 (and his BoE iq test was about forty points different from mine) and won't let me live it down.

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2000

Tom, i think your right. i average 125 or so on most IQ tests, but i can dream .

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2000

The site seems rigged to me as well - I took the test in about 4 minutes, just by guessing most of the answers, since they are true/false and therefore you have a 50/50 chance of getting them right by just guessing randomly - and my score was very high. Not quite as high as on the real tests I've taken in the past, but those were *real* and I was not just guessing true/false answers to see what would happen.

I've always been very good at IQ type tests though - which I don't attach much meaning to. People who are good at IQ tests are just good at IQ tests.

The most useful test I ever took was a GRE test in political science, for which I got 30 units of upper division college credit, after having never taken any political science or government classes in college. Now *that* was a valuable test to pass by using my legendary guessing abilities. :)

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2000


This is pretty much in line with the only "official" IQ test I ever took. Had to take the test for admission to private school when we were moving back to the States from Europe.

Though I wish there weren't so many durn math questions. I'm great at logic, but actual math gives my brain short circuits.

Ah well:)

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2000

I agree with the people who said the test is too easy, because I finished it in four minutes, scoring 143.

Any test I can score that highly on by spending only four minutes taking it is not that difficult.

I still feel good about myself, though. And isn't that what's really important?

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2000

I got a 157. I truly am a god among men. Either that, or the test is far too easy.

Well, I know which answer I prefer.

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2000

Alas, that test is amazingly easy. I got a 165 on it, which was quite a bit above the only other IQ test I've ever taken. (Of course, I never knew I'd taken a real IQ test until I saw my high school transcript when applying for college, but that's another story.) According to everything I've ever read, your IQ will generally drop as you get older--not a lot, but your age is factored in somehow. Yet mine somehow skyrocketed.

Pity, though. I mean, I could go apply for Mensa with that!

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2000

This test gave me a score of 155. The last IQ test I took - back in 4th grade (18 years ago) - I had a score of 145. I have always been a clever girl, but I have to admit that it doesn't hurt that I just take tests well. As for this internet test - you'd think they'd be able to do something more than just True/False, now, wouldn't ya?

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2000

153. I was thinking my score had improved until I checked this forum.

I'm still a smarty pants.

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2000

Well, the I.Q test is supposed to show how we rate when compared to a statistical sampling of other folks. The 100 being average. Just for fun I took all of our scores that we reported and averaged them out. It turns out that if society existed of just people that posted here we would have an average I.Q. of 144. So, if you scored below that mark, you are just average and should not send this company your money for your I.Q. Report. And if you scored 144 or better, it means you are smart enough to know when some company is swindling you. JasonFB(166)

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2000

I scored 159. Never taken a real one so I'm not sure how this compares, but I do tend to do well on any of these standardized multiple choice skills tests.

The question on this one that bothered me was the one about pounds and ounces. Very US-centric, and those of us who grew up in the "US must go metric" age never learned that stuff anyway. Seems like it's testing a very specific piece of knowledge rather than any actual skill.

As far as the test as a whole, I agree that the scores are probably inflated a bit. If their statistics are just relative to those who've taken their test at the site, though, it makes sense to me that they would have a high percentage of high scores. Given that we're choosing voluntarily to take the test - for fun no less - I think we're clearly a pretty self selected group. For those who find this kind of thing a struggle I can't imagine they'd be rushing to go torture themselves some more.

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2000

Well I got 149, which puts me at the top of the "definite genius" range and only one point outside the very top rank that supposedly only half a percent of all applicants manage. Now, I know I'm not an idiot, but I'm pretty sure I'm not THAT smart. I think this test knows me about as well as that damn Keirsey Temperament test does

Tonight We Sleep In Separate Ditchesbecause I have nothing to declare except my journal

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2000

This seems pretty whacked, truth be told.

I got 167, even though it took me a lot longer than some of you (eight minutes). I, too, was irritated by the pounds and nickles and dimes questions -- I kinda know nickles and dimes from my visits to the US, but pounds mean nothing to me. I guessed false on both questions I think, was I right?

I did an iq test once, when I was about twelve. I don't remember what I got, but it wasn't anywhere near this high. And you know, frankly, I'm just not that smart. :) So I'd tend to agree with those who suggest that the test is tweaked so the average comes out higher.

-- Anonymous, February 15, 2000

147, it took me 7mn alltogether and English is NOT my primary language...
Yeah, I really think they are chetaing in there...
But it was fun for a bit :-)

-- Anonymous, February 15, 2000

oops, wrong address, and i meant 'cheating', of course ;)

-- Anonymous, February 15, 2000

Well, I got a 159. That's actually a bit lower than I generally get on Real Official Thingies of the type (erm, somewhere in the 160's, high end.. I was a prodigy once, though I mostly feel stoooopid these days... unless someone is looking to buy a book and they don't know the author and I can tell them), but I didn't even try, just kind of randomly answered the answers without thinking too hard. This usually gives me about a 145-150, sometimes breathtakingly lower than that. So I would suspect some skewering, yes.


-- Anonymous, February 15, 2000

I've always been pretty confident in my intelligence, but ya know something's got to be a little off when it's after midnight, I've had very little sleep in the past few weeks, I've got a cold and headache after a very stressful night and I still get a 149.

Sorry, but that dog don't hunt.

-- Anonymous, February 16, 2000

I got 166 it is far to easy i spent 2 minites on it on mensa i only got 147 its way off sopose i can still learn im only 13 ill do better next time

-- Anonymous, April 24, 2001

I got 166. I know I'm not nearly this smart. But if it makes people feel good about themselves. . . -Stephanie

-- Anonymous, April 30, 2001

151... I think the validity of the test has to do with how many answers you actually knew and understood. I didn't guess on a single question, and I only got a 138 on the speed portion of the test. If you just guessed on any of the questions at all and happened to get them right, the time factor is moot. I guess that's why nobody offers an "official" IQ test online, as it revolves around self- discipline (which, if I may say so, is probably not that abundant in the average web surfer)The 138 seems a bit high to me for going as slow as I did (the test took me 10 minutes), but I actually solved all of the puzzles before answering (with some finger counting). Anyway, just my 2 cents, I figure anyone could get up to about 110 with just guessing.

-- Anonymous, June 19, 2001

I've always been partial to The Spark's IQ test. I don't remember my exact score, but I did pretty well on it.

-- Anonymous, June 19, 2001

Great site, Jen. Though it took a wee bit longer than the first site, it reconfirmed my score of 160! I guess I am as good as I look!

What scores did everyone else get?

-- Anonymous, June 19, 2001

How many questions did you have to answer to get to the end!!! Or is that the point?


-- Anonymous, June 20, 2001

I get it now... I scored a 156 on the first IQ test which played to my vanity for the second. Here I kept hoping for the end.. thinking that they were wearing you down... DUH!!!!!

I scored a whopping 82 because I sat through a lot of pages. Don't waste your time on TheSpark.Com


-- Anonymous, June 20, 2001

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