5x7 tech III focusing

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I have recently purchased a 5x7 Linhof Tech III , late model around 1956. I learned large format technique by reading Jim Stone's book which uses view camera movements ( front standard to change focus plane and rear standard for focus and perspective control) rather than field camera movements. I was able to apply these to my Toyo 4x5 AX without any problem. I shoot mostly landscape using front rise and slight tilt for most shots. I have a normal 210mm for the Linhof. Any tech III users out there who can shed light on the best technique for focusing for max. depth of field with this camera. Using the back movements changes the perspective and dropping the bed seems to be to much tilt for a landscape. I am sure that as I use this camera I will find the best method but would like to avoid a lot of trial and error. Maybe someone knows of a book related to this subject althought I have not seen I myself. Thanks Bill Bartels

-- William D. Bartels (tlr220@msn.com), February 13, 2000


depth of field id controlled solely by the aperture.

What you are trying to do is control the plane of focus.

Of course perspective is the angle of the camera to the subject so back movements can't change perspective. back movements control the shape of the object and the plane of focus.

As you have discovered the major problem with a III is that there is no forward tilt to the lensboard. Only back tilt. This shortcoming, among others, was fixed with the IV and later versions.

One possible cure is to use the camera on it's side so swing becomes tilt. The other is to use back tilt and live with the change in image shape.

Of course you will need a strong tripod and head to do this and probably a water or sand bag for a counterweight.

-- Bob Salomon (bobsalomon@mindspring.com), February 13, 2000.

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