ANY MAINE HOMESTEADERS? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

My family of six, we are planning to move to central maine this summer. We haven't quite nailed down a house, but are furiously looking. My question is, are there any homesteaders out there in central maine that could give me any pointers? How to start over? I want to live on a large farm , at least 25 acres, do all my own growing, cooking, sewing etc. We are from New Jersey, we've raised, milked, butchered our own animals. That part we know how to do. The part of picking up and moving to a place where we don't know what to expect. My husband is an elementary school teacher, and I stay home with the children, we are worried about the change in salary and growing season and what have you!! Anybody out there with any positive notes would be appreciated! thanks! c.lewis

-- cara lewis (, February 10, 2000


Hi Cara ,Sorry I'm not from Maine but 18 months ago we picked up and moved from Ct to our 140 a farm in upstate N.Y.Climate is much the same as Maine except less humid and less black flys .Were in a farming community land is still cheap and fertile.10 a can run any where from5,000 and up.We are in need of good teachers also .Moving with children and animals is alway fun .We have 4 children and they have learned alot "good and bad' since we've been here.You will be fine when you do the big move,I was worried it wouldn'd be what I had dreamed of for so long .It wasn't it was more .I never was sorry we moved , i do miss not being so close to my family.I wish you all the luck . Please e-mail me if you'ld like to chat some .

-- Patty Gamble (, February 11, 2000.

Where in Central Maine? That can cover a lot of territory. We are in Southern Maine, to the west of Portland (Buxton). We're not exactly homesteaders, but we do raise much of our own food. We have a very large garden, and do sell enough to pay for seeds and a little more. We raise enough chickiens, turkey and piggies to put ours in the freezer "free" and make a little. Land (old farms or undeveloped) has gotten pretty expensive around here, but that depends upon how much land you want (need) and just how close to the "city" you need to be. There are still some pretty good buys to be had. If you want cheap, go look in "the county". If you haven't been here long enough to know what that means, it's Aroostook County, the north end of the state. Lots of old potato farms at very reasonable prices. Problem is there's not much work to be had, although teachers are in pretty short supply throughout the state from what I hear. Let me know if there are any specifics I might bve able to help with. Good Luck! Brad

-- Brad (, February 11, 2000.

thanks for the responses! We are presently looking in the vicinity of 30 miles from waterville, or bangor. Although, not set in stone, we are open to anything. Our only request is that it be not too far from the ocean, growing up by the ocean with its' benefit of seafood would be missed! I, myself want a "large" farm, my husband wants acreage, my father, and mother (who are making the move with us) want ocean , jobs, etc. This is probably alot to ask of such a large state with so many possabilities. Does anyone know of a farm for sale that is at least 25 acres, pasture, a house with at least 4 bedrooms, condition is of little concern. We can fix anything!! Thanks for your input! cara lewis

-- cara lewis (, February 11, 2000.

Cara: Call the daily papers in Augusta and Bangor and ask for their weekend editions, including the real estate and jobs sections. They are: Kennebec Journal, 274 Western Avenue, Augusta, Maine 04330, tel. 207-623-3811 and Bangor Daily News, PO Box 1329, Bangor, Maine 04402- 1329, tel. 207-990-8000.

Also, contact Uncle Henry's, a weekly classified ad magazine that has extensive real estate section, along with ads for animals, farm equipment, etc. (check out their Free for the Asking section) at 535 Eastern Ave., Augusta Maine 04330, tel. 207-623-1411. There's some great land all around Bangor and west of Augusta. As you get close to the coast, land prices go up markedly, although you can still find some good buys between Augusta and Belfast. Good luck. Cash

-- Cash (, February 14, 2000.

Hi Cara,just a word of warning ,we to knew we could fix anything but we bit of more than we could chew at once .Its alot harder to do work on a house when your living in it . Also consider how much time off hubby will have before he returns to work .Also are you going to have enough cash to do all the needed repairs or will some have to wait ? I just thought you could learn a little from our mistakes !"I like to say there are no mistakes only learning experiences."

-- Patty Gamble (, February 15, 2000.

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