BART switching devices : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
BART problemsCAUSE: 7:20 a.m. -- BART switching devices fail
in a triangle area that connects Lake Merritt,
MacArthur and West Oakland stations.EFFECT: Trains had to be driven and switched
from track to track manually. All 56 BART trains
pass through that area.DELAY: As long as 90 minutes. A spokesman
said the delays were the worst he's seen in 10
-- spider (, February 10, 2000
Spider,I posted a BART article below it is dated 2/9/00 yours is 2/10/00 is this another failure? Anybody in the bay area?
-- Homer Beanfang (, February 10, 2000.
Homer, it seems to be the same story.
It's probably an ongoing problem.Nice running into you in SF.
-- spider (, February 10, 2000.
They both happened this morning...I crossed the Golden Gate bridge 10 minutes before the bicyclist accident. A co-worker was two hours late to the bank because of the BART delays. All seems fine here in SF @ 11:40am.
-- CA 4x4 (, February 10, 2000.
oops, make that both yesterday.that's why things seem fine today...
-- CA 4x4 (, February 10, 2000.