So Many Plane Crashes - Safe to Fly Next Summer? : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

I would like some input. With all of these plane crashes, which in all likelihood may be the result of y2k glitches, what do you think about the safety of flying to Germany (Bavaria) this summer? My son is planning to go with his high school class. I get a knot in the pit of my stomach every time I think about it. Those of you with knowledge of aviation systems, do you feel that all y2k glitches will be cleared up by June, or will this be an ongoing thing for the next few years? Thanks in advance for your help. :-)

-- Scarlett (, February 08, 2000


Check out the graph at It sure looks like y2k problems to me. It seem there are too many just alike to be a coincidence.

-- David Whitelaw (, February 08, 2000.

scarlett-sorry I can't quote the source, but I read a statistical thing over a year ago about statistics for death in a plane versus death in a was way way worse in a car. Folks say that at least they are in control of the car, but even if you drive perfectly, the chance of death from some drunk jerk hitting you is way higher than being in a plane crash. ( unless the statistics have changed, but according to what my 16 year old heard in drivers ed, the drinking problem isn't getting any better.)My kid is flying with his school to London and Germany in July and I'm not worried a bit, but when he goes out the door to the suburban roads I can get knots in my stomach if I dwell on the potentials. Relax, let him go, and tell the kid if you ever catch him driving drunk he's gonna get the worst punishment of his life from you. Somethings in life we CAN influence, save the worries for those things, is my advice.

-- carolyn (, February 08, 2000.

I understand that there are some Douglas DC-3 twin engine piston engine planes still flying in some underdeveloped countries with no computerized systems unless they have been heavily modified. These could become very desirable airplanes for the next year or two. These have a superb safety record. If any enterprising person could find some of these planes and get them scheduled into major airports, they should be able to fill the seats from both a safety and a nostalgia standpoint. I flew on them many years ago and they were fun too.

If the Navy is accidentally shooting down these planes, they should admit it so that people will not think that these crashes are caused by computer malfunctions. If passenger loads decrease and fuel costs increase, these impacts could bankrupt the airline industry and then how would all of the politicians fly home to campaign for reelection?

-- Moe (Moe@3stooges.gom), February 08, 2000.

Love the DC-3, Just hate looking thru the open rivit holes. Brrrrrr

-- && (&&@&&.&), February 08, 2000.


Me 'n probably Hawk feel you should cancel the trip immediately.

Also, do not go outside.

-- I'mSo (, February 09, 2000.

Right: Avoid all airplanes until the asteroid passes.


-- Squirrel Hunter (nuts@upina.cellrelaytower), February 09, 2000.

To Scarlett and whitelaw, stop being so lame. I checked out the graphs at, and i can't see any trend at all, except on the bottom graph of Incidents from 11/01/1999 - 1/31/2000 and it appears to be slightly trending down in 2000, certainly the average is lower in 2000.

And the statement: With all of these plane crashes, which in all likelihood may be the result of y2k glitches... there is absolutely NO evidence at all that y2k has anything to with any plane crash or incident, in fact we have seen y2k come and go with hardly......well you guys know, you just can't admit it.

-- Mr. Sane (, February 09, 2000.

Of course it will be safe to fly next summer...all the unsafe planes will have crashed by then...

-- Mad Monk (, February 09, 2000.

Maybe we ought to look at the NEW Maintenance Crews,that are being hired and their minimum Training,they are getting,to SAVE Money so the "Investors"can be richly rewarded for buying that overpriced Junk,they are peddling on Wall Sreet?Are the Airlines still buying the Spare Parts from Taiwanese Import and Salvage???

-- Optimist (Birdies@Fly.home), February 09, 2000.

Of course your son's plane could crash. Or he might be sitting in class at high school and have his brains blown out by a deranged gunman or he could be squashed by a bus as he crosses the street. A trip overseas would be the chance of a lifetime. To make him miss it for fear of a plane crash would be most regrettable. We cannot live our lives in fear. Unfortunately there are some who make themselves miserable and want to foster fear. Please don't become that type of mother.

-- liu (, February 09, 2000.

From the NTSB report...

"This final descent from 17,900 feet lasted just over a minute."

One minute can seem like an AWFUL long time when you are plummetting and corkscrewing toward the ocean at an 80 degree angle. You'll have time to shit your pants 10 times and still say a Hail Mary.

Not trying to scare anyone, but this is a reality. Until these "officials" get their priorities straight, take a train or boat. Better to err on the side of caution.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), February 09, 2000.

Hawk Writes: ========= Begin Hawk One minute can seem like an AWFUL long time when you are plummetting and corkscrewing toward the ocean at an 80 degree angle. You'll have time to shit your pants 10 times and still say a Hail Mary.

Not trying to scare anyone, but this is a reality. Until these "officials" get their priorities straight, take a train or boat. Better to err on the side of caution. ====== End Hawk

Whoa doggy, h'ain't tryin scare no-one? Fear Monger been his MO on dis here whole airplane story.

M'amm, your son ud get mighty wet on that thare train ta Germany as Hawk wud have 'em do.

Course, any time one does anything, there's a chance that something bad's gonna happen. This here MD-80 that the hawks woried about has carried over 20 million passengers with *7* fatal crashes. I dun't bleive anyone's flying them over the 'Lantic ocean though, they jes don't git that far.

Jet a Dumb Ol Pilot who sez:

"Flyin' on a major airline is safer'n drivin"

-- Jestadumb (, February 09, 2000.

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