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greenspun.com : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

Ric n Si

We are leading English 5b/5c E1/HVS.....What would get us started in Yosemite as good introductions to the area on medium and long routes?....We are coming over in May..... Also where is the best place to arrive and stay for camping within reach of said routes.


-- Ric n Si (rhare@uk.packardbell.org), February 08, 2000


Ric n Si-

Camp 4 is your best bet for a place to camp (in yosemite valley). Its always been the climbers campground and has a lot of history. You will be able to get tons of recomendations/beta on climbs from people staying in the camp.

I have no clue how your rating system translates to the Yosemite Decimal System so its hard to recomend climbs for you.

Enjoy your trip, Yosemite is a great place.

-- Brian (slobri@aol.com), February 20, 2000.

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