Opis Alert update on Clark refineriesgreenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread |
Wonder what percentage of Clark's facilities were down for the count? Sounds like a bunch.OPIS Alert - 2000-02-07 14:56:45 EST
A Clark spokeswoman today told OPIS that restart efforts concerning a 85,000 b/d crude unit has been delayed for at least a few more days.
The Clark spokeswoman said that a problem appeared over the weekend and fresh repairs would be required before the unit is back online. At the moment, the unit was basically re-circulating the oil and was not producing any feedstocks. Clark expects the repairs to take about two days to complete and then full-scale restart procedures will follow.
Also, a 36,000 b/d reformer unit was still down at Blue Island with Clark expecting that unit to be up and running by week's end.
Clark also had a power outage at its Lima, Ohio refinery last week that knocked that facility out cold. Several units have already been restarted and Clark officials expect all units to be back to normal operations by mid-week. - Mark Mahoney - mmahoney@opisnet.com
-- Brooks (brooksbie@hotmail.com), February 07, 2000