national homesteaders' day ?? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

good morning all - wonder if anyone has considered instituting a National Homesteader's Day ???? think the idea cool and appropriate - any takers, ideas - think of the logos possible - a decal or flag, or sumpin' thanks, criadero tingo maria

-- susan keller (, February 07, 2000


Sounds like a good idea BUT I don't think there are enough of us out there for whoever decides on these days to think it is a good idea! We are definitely in the minority, not part of the mainstream, and we sure wouldn't make any money for Hallmark! If you still think it would work though, I would support it.

-- barbara (, February 07, 2000.

Personally I like the idea but the logistical problems mentioned by others is a problem. Maybe we could piggyback on already established events like the energy fairs that are popping up all over the country. It would more likely be more of a local event for the homesteaders but the energy fair folks might go for it cause they're already into organic/ sustainable living things.

-- john leake (, February 09, 2000.

good idea - re; energy fairs - will look into it

-- susan keller (, February 10, 2000.

How about an adjunct to Earth Day?

-- Peg (, February 13, 2000.

There are more of us than you think. I'll help Grant

-- Grant Eversoll (, February 13, 2000.

i'll throw in my nickels worth too... as im sure most of the folks at the other homesteading forums will also... email me directley... thanks

-- Doc (, February 13, 2000.

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