OT?: Philippines' National Power Retires 6 Oil Plants at CDC

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Given the timing of the 'retirement' of these powerplants, do you think asking why they retired them would be useful? Of course, y2k couldn't have naything to do with it....

Philippines' National Power Retires 6 Oil Plants, Paper Says

By Alex B. Reyes

Manila, Feb. 7 (Bloomberg) -- National Power Corp., the Philippines' largest electricity producer, last month closed six oil-fired power plants with a combined capacity of 775 megawatts, the Manila Standard reported. Napocor President Federico Puno said the retirement of the plants reduced the contribution of oil- generated power to 11 percent of its total.

In the January to June 1999 period, 31 percent of Napocor's production came from oil- fired plants, down from 46 percent a year before, the paper said.

Napocor earlier said it expects to cut oil purchases by half this year as it increases reliance on coal-fired plants, such as the 1,200 megawatt Sual plant.

(Manila Standard, p. 5; 2/7/2000)


-- Carl Jenkins (Somewherepress@aol.com), February 07, 2000


No... couldn't have anything at all to do with y2k... remember,the liberal news media geared up the whole world in believing that y2k meant 010100 NOT all 365 days of Year 2000... No...y2k can't have anything to do with the some 20 nuke plants in America having problems and all kinds of digital flight guidance system failures causing air crashes, or trains smacking eachother within an area of visual signals... or oil reserves dwindling due to "Bad" weather? But what happened to the shipment of oil from Venequela, Nigeria, Asia, etc..? No... just a coincidence that all these massive failures are happing within the first month of the year 2000? What really gripes me is ..."how long are the people going to put up with lies?" I thank GOD that my hope is not in the world but in HIM... Guess... I'll just have to keep believing that the world is winding down for the great finale! Embedded chips, Computer failures and Non-compliant software? Let's all relax and believe not in the hysterical propaganda of prepardness and prudence, but eat, drink and be merry for government has said "I tell you the truth... there is a solution... when we can destroy the truth then the people will throw themselves into the hands of whoever can take care of them and let them have still their pleasures... If these failures in production and delivery continue on the esculation scale we are seeing now... how long do we have before the system will be damage bad enough for One World Government to be the solution for all? Thanks Carl for your investigative work! BRyan

-- S BRyan G III (sbrg3@juno.com), February 07, 2000.


-- (kb8umw@yahoo.com), February 07, 2000.

Retiring these plants doesn't have to be seen having avoiding Y2K failures as their cause.

Six plants totalling 775 MW means these were very small plants, possibly even diesel powered generators. The US did leave such plants in-place at Clark Air Base and Subic Bay Naval Station when we pulled out of the Phillipines. It could even be those very ones which are the subject of this report.

And with oil prices going through the roof, reducing reliance on oil- fired plants looks very smart to me.


-- Wildweasel (vtmldm@epix.net), February 07, 2000.

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