NM: Computers back on line after problem with routers fixed

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) : One Thread

Well, unlike some posters, I'm not sure if y2k is over or not. But there are sure a lot of us here who keep finding problems that could be indicative of same.....

Wednesday, February 2, 2000 State Computers Back Online The Associated Press

SANTA FE -- The state's computers were running Tuesday after crews working overnight fixed a glitch that had crashed the state's mainframe, snarling driver's license applications at the Motor Vehicle Division and causing problems at a few other state agencies.

The problem cropped up Monday in one of the routers, a tool that allows computers to communicate with each other, Mark Moores, spokesman for the General Services Department, said Tuesday. General Services operates the mainframe.

Most state offices weren't affected, but the glitch caused problems for the MVD, the state Workers' Compensation Administration, the state Records and Archives Center and the state Engineer Office, which oversees water supplies, Moores said.

The "most high-profile" problem was at MVD field offices, which were not able to process driver's license applications Monday, he said.

A bug in the router was causing the computer to shut down Monday, Moores said. Crews were able to establish a backup for that router overnight, putting state operations back online by Tuesday, he said.

"It was up and down through the morning," Moores said Monday. "We decided to take it down instead of having this seesaw."

Computer experts will keep an eye on the state's communications systems to make sure similar problems don't turn up, Moores said. The state has contingency plans in case of further problems, he said.



-- Carl Jenkins (Somewherepress@aol.com), February 07, 2000



-- (kb8umw@yahoo.com), February 07, 2000.

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